This years team did have better pitching - (remember the 04 team having to have Derrick Lowe pitch the game of his career to win??) but this team was expected to win, the '04 team was fighting the curse every step of the way in addition to the other team on the field. 'O4 was the better team
During the Wednesday morning keynote at the CTIA wireless show with several thousand people in the audience, then made a pitch for everyone to send "help" to a Red Cross short code for a $5 pledge. A nice gesture.
Ok, our life expectancy is longer than our parents, our overall quality of life is higher than our parents - so what can we worry NOW about US! its all about US, right? Maybe the "toxins" are killing the bad stuff ;^) ( I think thats a "no" I won't be getting the test....)
you have to assume that the majority of people on the Portland school board have the best of intentions for their system and wouldn't support such a measure unless it was really needed.
co-founder of utterz, a mobile blogging service used to post to this blog (try it!) and generally everyday guy with a family and a cat. (not a cat person though..)